About Family Ministries

  • Our K.I.D.S. ministry embraces children from birth to age 12; Kindling their faith, Igniting their love of others & Christ, helping them Discover their life of faith, and supporting their Spiritual growth. Learn more about our KIDS ministry below!

  • Our Fx3 youth ministry is for youth 13-17. The three Fs are Friendship, Faith, and Food; join the youth during Sunday service and enjoy breakfast together. Fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and caring environment for young people is a passion for us! Learn more about the Fx3 ministry and check out Youth events happening soon.

  • Our young adults ministry is for those 18-35 seeking connection with others in their age range. Explore faith, experience life, and enjoy company!

    Meet with other young adults after the service on Sunday and join the Young Adults Activity Group to get involved!

Sunday Mornings in Family Ministries

Find out what to expect on a Sunday morning and how to get involved in family ministries by watching the video!

Young Adults at NBUC

Connect with other young adults age 18-35 after the service! Meet Melissa, who organizes the post-service coffee & chat as well as the Young Adults Activity Group.

K.I.D.S. Ministry

Our K.I.D.S. ministry embraces children from birth to age 12; Kindling their faith, Igniting their love of others & Christ, helping them Discover their life of faith, and supporting their Spiritual growth.

Kindle (0-2)

Our youngest members of the church will kindle their faith through a loving and caring environment set up for crawling, exploring and some cozy cuddles.

Ignite (2-4)

These busy kiddos will engage in activities that will ignite the curiosity in God. They will be introduced to bible stories, worship music and encouraged to enjoy and play with one of God’s best creations – all the other little humans.

Discover (5-7)

Our juniors will be led into interactive faith based lessons that will help them discover the powerful words of God through each chapter of the bible. Through games, memory verses and conversations we will discover how good God really is.

Spirit (8-11)

Our seniors are at this chapter of life filled with questions, we will encourage this season of growth as they live out how the holy spirit is at work in their lives and how they can foster what they have ignited and discovered on their individual faith journey.